الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2009

Great Expectations :D

This year in novel we're studying The Great Expectations for Charles Dickens, great doesn't mean good but enormous or something big that might be good or bad :D

while contemplating in it I discovered that it's attached to our life in a way or another, it's like Pip the protagonist is a little kid who looks smaller than his age and he has expectations for life, in many times these expectations are destroyed :(

He grows up to be an apprantice and works with Joe; his sister's husband, then his life turns upside down and he's sent to London to be a gentle man :D

This change is good from a point of view but he didn't take good advantage from it

he changes to be a snobbish and a proud person, he treats his family members and friends in a very arrogant way and forgets that they have brought him up !!

They did no thing bad for him but he did treat them like that thinking that this is how a gentleman acts !!

I don't know what I'm saying or why did i mention it but there are a lot of persons like Pip,
of course I'm not talking about being a gentleman but what I aim to is that they mistreat those whom do favors for them.
Others expect that the other person is bad no doubt :(

My thoughts aren't well organized, but I may come back later to clarify them :)