الأربعاء، 23 سبتمبر 2009

I'm in a bad need to her company
I really need to feel her besides me
to listen her whisper just me and no one else
I miss her beautiful smile
her naughty laugh
her sparkling tear
even her silence
I miss when we used to stand together
walk, talk, even when we used to wait for eachother
I remeber standing there
waiting for her
I remember our talks
our dreams
even our hopes.
I just miss her so much
I miss her presence in my life,
to have someone
who understands you without effort
she used to know what I'm thinking of without talking
even when we were not together
I'm alone and sad
she used to surprise me
even with a simple phone call
just to check on me
and to see how I am
Oh, I can't adapt on that
I guess I'll never adapt her absence
I wish to retain her soon, or else
I may lose myself :(

Truely !!!!

what would you prefer ??

to speak up or in silence you remain ??

what would you like??

to let your feeling away or to keep them inside??

To flee or just to keep in jail??

is it safer to be inside or it's more fun to scape away

I simply don't know any more..