الخميس، 19 أغسطس 2010

Beyond the clouds,,

Peace be upon you all :)
this pic,, is so beautiful,, though I didn't recognize how beautiful it is before
I liked it being awake at night looking at nothing in particular and thinking
not being sleep just as me since a while,, being all night up
it caught me for that reason,, but when I looked at it now,, I found something new in it
may be I didn't recognize it before because I saw only the closest thing to me in it
but now,, I'm thinking differently so I saw it in a different way
she is so high and far that she's even above the sky
she is so close to the clouds and to the moon that she can touch'em,,,,,,,
oh, I can't imagine being in that position,, but I'm sure it's a wonderful feeling :)

هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. she is thinking alone which will help her to decide correctly
    i need to be alone in such a window

    missing u ya dodo :)

  2. yup hon ;)
    she's totally alone thinking just with the clouds and the moon :$
    I hope to find such a window too, to rethink about a lot of things,,
    miss you too ya mom,, really hope to see you soon 7abibty :)

  3. oh u made me remember some lovely thinking moments

    but not in a window

    نكمل بالعربي عشان ابعبر براحتي :D

    لقد كانت في شرفة ارضية واسعة والسحاب والهدوء وانا جالسة على السور في الليل والقمر بارز والبحر امامي :wub:

    حرام عليكي فكرتيني بلحظات التأمل دي وافتقدت المكان ده تاني :(( عاوزة اروح البحر :(
